Empty Tomb

v2.   As we see here it seems no one was expecting resurrection.

v7.   If He had been moved or stolen the scene would look quite different.

v8.   Believed what? What Mary said not the resurrection.

v9.   Not that they didn’t yet see proof of the risen Lord, but scripture is the only evidence necessary.

v11. She looked in for the second time. When we have lost something, don’t we also look in the same places over and over again expecting for it to be there?

v12. This represents the Mercy seat with the two angels or cherubim at each end. They weren’t standing because redemption was now accomplished.

v14. Why didn’t she recognize Jesus? Unbelief.

v17. Doesn’t mean that Mary couldn’t touch Jesus. She possibly thought Christ would now set up His earthly kingdom. He doesn’t want her to expect Him to stay, but He will send the Spirit. He doesn’t want her to stay and keep Him to herself, but to go tell the disciples, not that He has risen, but that He will ascend.

v18. Yet they did not believe her testimony.

v19. Why did Jesus send Mary to tell them if He was to visit them the same day?

v21. To continue the work Christ began. To bring truth to the world.

v22. As God breathed life into Adam, Christ breathes new life into His disciples.

v23. What does this mean? “Sound doctrine” If someone accepts the gospel, their sins are forgiven.

v25. Unbelief requests impossible evidence.

v26. Do you think this was a long week for Thomas? Everyone else was filled with joy, but he was waiting for proof.

v27. Christ knew what Thomas had said and grants his request. Thomas must have felt ashamed.

v28. There is no evidence that Thomas touched Jesus’ wounds. I don’t think he needed to. He had plenty of proof.

v29. There isn’t much faith in “seeing is believing”.

v31. More important than the miracles is the gift of eternal life that comes through faith in who Christ is and what He has done.

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